Correcting Capsular Contracture at Michael Horn Plastic Surgery & Med Spa

Dr. Horn and his skilled team not only excel in surgical precision but also in quality patient care. Correcting capsular contracture can be a delicate situation and requires the expertise and skill of a qualified, certified breast surgery expert like Dr. Michael Horn. At Michael Horn Plastic Surgery & Med Spa in Chicago, we are committed to your comfort as well as outstanding outcomes.

capsular contracture patient model in a black bikini at the beach

What is Capsular Contracture?

When breast implants are introduced into the body, the natural healing process involves the formation of a scar tissue "capsule" around it. This capsule is beneficial by ensuring the implants remain securely in place and preventing displacement. However, in certain individuals, the scar tissue around the capsule can become excessively rigid and contract around the implant. This can result in both aesthetic concerns and, in severe instances, tenderness or pain. This complication typically happens within about two years of the initial surgery during the long-term healing process. Ranging from grade one to four, capsular contracture can occur with no visual or physical symptoms, up to an obvious misshapen and sometimes painful breast sensitivity.

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Treatment Options for Capsular Contracture

For our patients in Chicago capsular contracture can be treated a few different ways. The chosen method will depend on the degree of contracture and the patient’s health and aesthetic goals. With a capsulectomy, open capsulectomy, or capsulotomy, all or part of the scar tissue capsule may be removed, and the implant may or may not be replaced. Replacing the implant can be done with a breast implant revision, and if you desire them be removed, Dr. Horn can perform a breast implant removal to address the issue. Another option is autologous reconstruction, where the implant is completely removed, and a tissue flap from another part of the body is used to recreate the breast.

The Benefits of Correcting Capsular Contraction

Discomfort and tightness can become unbearable when dealing with capsular contracture. The aesthetic result can also be very unpleasant as the breast moves higher up on the chest. Untreated capsular contracture can result in continued distortion of breast shape and ongoing pain. Our capsular contracture correction patients can benefit from the following:

  • Breasts returning to a soft, natural state
  • No more tight, uncomfortable, or painful symptoms
  • Stops symptoms from getting worse

Am I a candidate for Capsular Contracture Surgery?

Candidates for this surgery should have noticeable contracture that is causing either aesthetic dissatisfaction, physical issues, or both. Typically, surgery is required for patients at a level three or four contracture.

Consultation and Preparation

The best way to determine which correction approach, if any, is right for you is to consult with an experienced and specialized plastic surgeon. During your consultation for treating capsular contracture Chicago breast surgeon, Dr. Michael Horn, will review your medical and aesthetic treatment history and discuss your goals to determine which method is the best option. A treatment plan will then be outlined, and we will provide you with all the important information for preparation and recovery.

capsular contracture patient model in a black bikini at the ocean

Coordinating Your Procedure

After a surgical plan has been created, Dr. Horn will refer you to a patient coordinator at his office with whom you will plan your surgery and learn more about the details of aesthetic procedures. Your patient coordinator will be provided with a treatment plan that reflects your requirements and surgical plan. Based on this information, your patient coordinator will be able to provide a surgery quote, which will include the surgeon’s fee, the anesthesia fee, and the hospital fees.

Your Capsular Contracture Surgery

Most contracture correction procedures require general anesthesia. The surgery specifics will depend on the particular method that is decided on for correction. Most correction surgeries take anywhere from three to five hours.

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Results, Recovery, and Aftercare

Results will also vary based on your particular needs and situation. Recovery length may be anywhere from two to six weeks, depending on whether you simply have implants removed, receive new implants, or undergo autologous reconstruction. As with your initial breast augmentation surgery, final results may take up to a year.

Why choose Michael Horn Plastic Surgery & Med Spa?

With an impressive track record of over 10,000 breast procedures, Dr. Horn's experience is unrivaled. At Michael Horn Plastic Surgery & Med Spa, the entire team is dedicated to providing patients with exceptional care, delivering outstanding aesthetic results, and offering personalized service. Dr. Michael Horn, a renowned plastic surgeon and breast surgery expert in the Chicago area, has garnered recognition through numerous articles, TV shows, and radio programs such as InTouch, Allure, and Channel 8 News. His extensive knowledge and expertise make him a highly sought-after professional. Dr. Horn and his skilled team not only excel in surgical precision but also in patient care.

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Schedule Your Chicago, IL Capsular Contracture Treatment Consultation at Michael Horn Plastic Surgery & Med Spa Today

Call us today at (312) 854-8416 or schedule your appointment online. Don’t wait another day to address your concerns!

Capsular Contracture FAQs

While this procedure is very safe with an experienced surgeon, any breast surgery does carry some risks, including bleeding, infection, or anesthesia sensitivity.

In most cases, Dr. Horn will be able to use the same incisions used in your original surgery to minimize additional scarring.

Some women experience changes in nipple sensitivity that can include either lessened or heightened sensations. However, in most cases, the changes resolve after a few weeks or months.

Breast surgery is not associated with a higher risk of cancer or other breast issues.

Because this procedure will be tailored to the very specific needs of the patients, the cost of capsular contracture treatment will vary depending on your particular situation.